First tiime to Australia

This is the first time I want to travel to Austraila.
But I don't know what things should I prepare beforehand.
I also want to know which place could I see beautiful scenery and take wonderful pictures.
And where can I find a comfortable hotel?


I am also a new member of travellerspoint.

Have you been travelled to Japan or New Zealand.

Appreciate to share your travelling experience.


Hi Cartsen,

I would definitely have to recommend going up to northern Queensland and experiencing the Great Barrier Reef, a truly amazing place. Most people start in Cairns and head down the coast. If you are looking to take in the beautiful islands, beaches, snorkeling and diving of the Whitsundays I would have to recommend a stay in Airlie Beach. It is a town purely supported by tourism and as a result is extremely well catered for backpackers and all sorts of travelers. You will find a huge selection of accommodation ranging in prices. The best thing is it is only a 5 minute bus ride from the main street of Airlie Beach to the harbor where you can catch ferries to any of the 100+ islands only 10 - 15 minutes boat ride away.
For more information regarding the reef and surrounding areas you can check out this site:

Cheers, Kyle

Hi Wenson,

I'm sorry I haven't been to Japan or New zealand.

Maybe you can find some experiences from other travelers.


Hi Kyle,

I'm so glad that you give me so much informations about travelling to Australia.

I think my trip will be so much fun!


hi cartsen,

ive been to australia and beleve me its the place to be

if ure the adventurous kinds then you must visit cairns.....the great barrier reef is a must must take a one day trip to see tht...and dive in...see the most beautiful creatures and corals of the world!!!!....there is a forest trek walk....and a boat ride on the crocodile river!....beautiful and unbelievable...perfect place to take amazing pics

sydney is beautiful.....the darling harbour and the view of the opera house from the harbour is extremely enticing! could chill and take a walk on the bondi beach....the most famous and a crowded one

goldcoast's surfers paardise is a beach again.....u cud think of any and everythng and its thr!...the most chiller place u can go to!

brisbane is a calm and a quiet city but a nice and a serene place.....

get ur plans set am sure ur australia trip is gonna be the one of its kind.....amazing place

Hi Cartsen,

All of these are great suggestions. But after doing a bit of travelling so far, some of the best times my friends & I have had, have been in little random towns that we stumbled upon.

Some of my favourite, not very well known places are Noosa + the Sunshine Coast in general - it is where Australia Zoo is (remember that guy Steve Irwin croc hunter)?

In Sydney there are heaps of gorgeous National Park beaches where you feel like you are in the wild, such as Gari beach.

In the Blue Mountains, there is a town called Wentworth falls that has one of the best and easiest bush walks I've ever done called the Charles Darwin walk.

Port Stephens, just 2 hours north of sydney is an amazing place to visit.

There's heaps to see and do.

Probably best of all for me so far was our trip to the Whitsunday Islands. They are unforgettable and worth spending almost all of your money on!!!! Loved this time so much.

Also - see my other posts about coming out with a group like UltimateOz. I can't say enough how much fun my friend & i had. was fantastic.


First tiime to Australia

First tiime to Australia

First tiime to Australia

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