Mosquito Nets

Hi all... Im off travelling in June off to asia first... cant wait but was just wondered from what to do about mosquito nets... obviously I dont want to get malaria and i will be taking anti malarials however was planning on taking a mosquito net too but was unsure whether to get a hang up one (if so is there always places to hang one) or a pop up one. So just wondering what peeps norm use... any info would be fab !!!??????

Where in Asia are you travelling to?

Well - are you sleeping out in the open or in really cheap crappy places?

If you are using hotels that have air conditioning the windows will be shut and usually no mosquitoes in the room. Most hotels will have a can of bug spray to drive out any mosquitoes that might be in the bathroom or sleeping area. I never see anyone walking around in a net either!

There are certain areas of Asia that are more prone to malaria and other areas less. I have been to many places in Asia over the past dozen years and have never used a net. But I always choose rooms that have A/C to keep the noise and bugs out!

If you are a "bug magnet" and seem to be the one person in your group that always gets the bug bites maybe you should take more precautions than other tourists do. If you normally attract more bug bites than others perhaps wear long pants, long sleeve shirts and use repellent with Deet.

There are malarial zones in Asia where the chances of getting malaria is more of a possibility than other places. I personally think you are not necessarily immune in cities like Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket because mosquitoes can hitch rides on planes, trains, trailer trucks and shipping containers and be anywhere. (Just like when you notice something flying around on a plane many hours after you take off.) But many travelers don't worry about mosquitoes in most of the big cities.


recommend reading this thread.

basically, i was travelling with a mosquito net for a long time, even in very rural areas. i found mosquito net totally useless to carry...

hope this helped...

happy travels!

I will be in vietnam, cambodia, laos, thailand and malaysia most of the time spent i will be in the larger cities but will be travelling to and from these places probably through more rural areas.. will be in asia four months altogether... will be sleeping in hostels first time travelling so not sure what to expect, hopefully with have a/c.. The reason i worry is ive spent a lot of time in spain and used to get eaten alive by mosquitos there.... apprciate all the advice guys

Well, You don't need go bring these thing with you when travelling to Vietnam. Remember that you live in a hotel, but if you still need it you can buy it easily in Vietnam.

I didn't take a mosquito net when I went to those countries. I would recommend using a plug-in mosquito repellent instead - these can be bought cheaply all over SE Asia, and even in the most budget of places you should still be able to find somewhere to plug it in. I found them to be really effective, and I normally get eaten alive by mosquitos too!

A mosquito net is one more extra thing to carry and in many cases you would struggle to find somewhere to hang it up anyway.

Mosquito Nets

Mosquito Nets

Mosquito Nets

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