3 - 4 Months in India ... Any advice about this route?

Hi everyone!

humm lots of things to consider here. I guess I should preface this by saying it's your trip and everyone has different experiences. The weather should be good either north or south at that time, although the north in Jan can be surprisingly cold at night.

My thought is after Africa you are going to be pretty pooped and looking for somewhere to chill, and the places you are heading first are the busiest and most crazy tourists places on your list. For that reason I'd probably vote for going into Mumbai and heading straight down to Goa and Gokarna then continue south and then over to Pondichaerry. You'll also find the south much more educated than the north, so that makes things easier too in the south.

By the time you have traveled those places you will be ready to take on the big tourist places in the north which can be totally exhausting and frustrating. If you are going to Pushkar, which other than the camel fair in Oct/Nov, I'm not sure is worth it, I'd certainly explore a bit more of Rajasthan. Bikaner I thought was really amazing and just south is the rat temple. Then out to the far west is Jaisalmer which is well worth it. A camel safari here is also a great experience.

Ah one other thing I was going to add, was why are you going to Bangalore? Unless you are into call centers or programing I'm guessing this is just a stop off route west to east? Better option would be do an out and back from Goa to Hampi, then continue south then east. You'll also have a good chance of meeting up with other travelers in Goa that will be wanting to go to Hampi, so your more likely to hook up with someone this way.

[ 14-Feb-2012, at 12:46 by Dodger ]

Hi Dodger, thanks for your response! A friend of mine really raved about Pushkar so I thought I would put it in. I will read up on it more as well as Bikaner and the rat temple which sounds pretty interesting!

I was actually right in the middle of revising the route a little. I have found out about a dance festival which is held in Mahabalipuram Jan/Feb each year which I would like to visit so it would definitely make sense to start South first. You make a very good point about it being more of a chilled out spot to start.

Thanks so much for your input!

Hi Dodger, thanks for your response! A friend of mine really raved about Pushkar so I thought I would put it in. I will read up on it more as well as Bikaner and the rat temple which sounds pretty interesting!

I was actually right in the middle of revising the route a little. I have found out about a dance festival which is held in Mahabalipuram Jan/Feb each year which I would like to visit so it would definitely make sense to start South first. You make a very good point about it being more of a chilled out spot to start.

Thanks so much for your input!

Yeah Pushkar was an interesting place. There are quite a few ex pats that hang out there. For me it drove me crazy that it was so hot and not a drop of water to get in. I was there the year they were repairing the lake so it was empty save a tiny little mud bath that every Indian on pilgrimage was splashing in. But even with it repaired lakes are not what we in the west would find idyllic watering holes. It's also pretty small and once you've seen the main bazaar which is like most other bazaars, you've pretty much seen it all there. Like I said the big attraction is the camel fair and maybe your friend was there for that and that's why they enjoyed it. If you go through the pics in my profile you can find a bunch from India.

Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and looking for must visit places in Bangalore as i would be travelling here next month. So, need to know temperature and places where best food is served. And also if u could suggest travel partner. Thanks

Welcome to India!

You have some good time to taste the Indian culture. I live in the National Capital Region of India.

You might want to visit the Golden temple in Amritsar(Punjab).

Do visit the Chandani chowk in delhi for shopping. (Close to The Red Fort)

Rajasthan - Ajmer, Udaipur, Jaisalmer could be considered.

Down south in Karnataka, you could consider - Kabini, Mysore, Belur & Halebid, Hampi(you already have on your list), Badami, Pattadakal, and the finally reach Goa and relax!

Would love to help you more for your trip to India!

3 - 4 Months in India ... Any advice about this route?

3 - 4 Months in India ... Any advice about this route?

3 - 4 Months in India ... Any advice about this route?

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