Drugs charge

Hi folks, iv just been for a job interview and the job requires a trip to Houston for a training course. The problem is I was convicted of possession 8 years ago ,nothing major I just got a 200 pound fine. Iv been refused a visa to the states for this before, this probably means I will be on there database now so I can't try my luck. Does anyone know if it's worth the risk of going without a visa?

You don't need a visa for a training course. You just have to say its classroom training and not on the job training.

I had to do my training in Florida for my job in Mexico and i got held up at the border and it was the boarder guard who told me to do this so that he didn't have to hold me up since he could tell i was genuine. But if you are really nervous i would check with your consolate or immigration.

You don't need a visa for a training course. You just have to say its classroom training and not on the job training.

The OP has previously had a US visa refused - this means it is very advisable to apply for a visa, even if the trip is as a tourist. I'm unable to comment on whether or not a training course requires a visa other than a tourist one.

Yes, if you have had a US visa refused before, you will definitely be in their database--and yes, you will have to reapply for a visa (or else risk being sent home the minute you arrive in the US).

You might get conflicting advice on this forum. You should really pay a visit to the US embassy or consulate and find out what you need to do.

Drugs charge

Drugs charge

Drugs charge

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