Relocating out of America

Hey All!

One final obstalce is this:

I have a tendency to when I get things set up or decently (like finally getting clean water where I'm located and having computer workspace set up and more) to then change it. I don't want to do that and I dislike the idea of having to "set things up again" (because it takes months at times) in another place. bollocks! hhmm.

Maybe if I was a math teacher in the states on the east coast, that would provide me with what feels like a safer environment. I am trying to criticize and be skeptical of really moving to another country (to ensure that that's what's necessary). I may need to only adjust a few things (maybe small changes in my work environment or career or small location changes or something). I also need to keep up health and have done that really well recenlty (having a set place for a year; I have traveled for many many years and was accustomed to that). Maybe I hsould stop worrying a bout relocating and/or traveling and just focus on career. But that is what I feel I have done already!! Meh...If the states will work I would like to have that happen. If relocating is best, I would like to have that happen . West coast usa was wretched and is a place with which I will never be compatible. East coast seems more opportune and compatible, but I feel I have practically (or actually) run out of places of trying different places/things.

I guess I am not fully committed to relocating to a different country (a part of me unquestionably is, and maybe that is what must happen in a few years, but another part of me wants to try to have good experiences in usa. I am interested in computer science and coding and want to do more of that - I have had a lot of disruptive forces and people (mainly people) in my life that impeded coding. Maybe if I did more of what I want, relocating wouldn't be as urgent or necessary (but it does still seem likely in a few years or so). not sure. Mainly it's wanting success and safety.

Going to aus used to be my interest. Not sure if it is. I don't like the approach of just winging it. I have done that and won't do it again . For some people it may work, but I don't wing things any more (in some ways it is a strength and I excel at it more than other ways, but in other ways it's not my capacity). I will have to have work arranged beforehand; there's no other situation.

Are you sure you're really happy with programming? I'm an old time programmer myself, and discovered (way too late to do much about it) that I had chosen the wrong profession for my personality - frustrating, isn't it? I too share dissatisfaction with the USA and the majority of the people I see around me. I'm now in my senior years, and am fairly happy and settled with my canine best friend, but if I were 20 or 30 years younger, I'd be relocating out of the USA, too. I personally like SE Asia and it's laid back lifestyle, food and lower costs. I see the USA as a land of mediocrity, low moral values and taste. I find American TV and movies to be garbage, and our government is now just a branch of Wall Street. I too find the Aussies to be refreshing, honest and quite welcoming and friendly, but realize that many abroad share those same values. What really bothers me about our system is the WASTE - I think we could have found a cure for cancer with the cash we throw away on political ads!

Wow with an attitude like that, it's not surprising you're unhappy in america:/ Change your thoughts and you change your world. But if you must move, try the east coast, it's nice. I live on the east coast, and I have no complaints. People are accepting and friendly here:-) Anyway, where ever life takes you, I hope you find your safe place:-) Best wishes!

"The sun won't shine on you, until you put your umbrella away."

vernek my friend,

I didnt read the exact whole thing but i glipsed at key words and certain things that stood out. I am completely on the same page as you. I am young and i am educated so i cant say ive wasted a life in AMerica finally realizing i hate it here. I fortunatly have a great supporting family to help me out but without them id be nothing and id be just as stuck as the average person who wants out. I am not going to get too deep into my perspective of the government, economy, way of life, and "American dream" but i am with you my friend. I want out. I want to start a new life somewhere neutral where my country isnt a target from anyone. Maybe we can share ideas and someday achieve our goals as individuals and live a life at ease HOW IT SHOULD BE!

try Russia. cold, well, i am from Texas and nearsighted people can only see cows and fence posts and BIG pickups. so.. Russia is a place where children can walk to school from age 6 and not be bothered. street crossing safety is the first concern. if you visit, St Petersburg is a more compact city than Moscow. there are many hostels (look at super hostels) centrally located near the activities in the center. classical, pop concerts, stage theater, cinema (movies) even a circus.
try a totally new place. leave your prejudices behind and find out what Russia is.

even Canada may suit you... but even IT is changing to the worse, gangs and such...

[ 16-Feb-2012, at 02:48 by flat5263 ]

Vernek - your posts definitely reflect that you are in the midst of an often called 'melt-down' period in your life. You dislike your country, job and don't know what to do. You want to relocate but can't decide on that option either. You are not the first, nor will you be the last, to post such thoughts on this site. Most everyone comes to a crossroad in their life but only you can decide which path to follow. Definitely take other's opinions into consideration - but remember - they are only opinions.

No matter where (or if) you decide to relocate, the situations will rarely be different, just the scenery. Governments may work differently but they also have their own garbage you will have to deal with. Acquiring a new job will be no different than it is here at home. Several members have relocated and found jobs in the fields they enjoy. But, the work environment has been not ideal so they keep trying to find alternatives. They will love their new found country but nothing has changed except an address.

There are also several program freelancers on this site who work while on the road. It pays for their travels and they see many places. Some settle somewhere, others continue their journeys. Let the 'melt down' happen and then start thinking clearly about what is important and how to go about making those changes.

Relocating out of America

Relocating out of America

Relocating out of America

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