nice information shared by you thanks for sharing
if you like a drink, buy a box or bottle of fruit juice or pepsi, what floats ya' boat, and drink it down, then fill it back with vodka oк wahtever. OTHER people won't know you are drinking. i Russia, often strangers AND USUALLY HARMLESS, will want to join you and offer MORE liquor. then you mess up passing your "safe limit". on Russian trains, you get a lower seat if you can and underneath is a bin to put your computer, clothes, luggage, etc. i doubt Polish trains are dangerous. it is usually very safe in europe.
I have traveled by train many many times and never had a situation like this. So don't worry so much, if you want to feel safe take IC trains, which are more comfortable. Also you can travel by coach (www.polskibus.pl) or plane (OLT Express, Eurolot, LOT).

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