Where is the best place in Europe to visit alone??

Hey Im a 20 year old female desperate to travel somewhere alone, very cheaply. Im drawn towards Germany right now as Munich is the nearest airport to Neuschwanstein castle where I really want to go. Does anyone have any travel tips/advice for me Id appreciate or know if its possible to actually do on a really tight budget? Also where else is good to go alone? Like anyone whos had a great experience. Thanks to anyone who answers..

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Cheap accommodation: Try hostelbookers and hostelworld.

Book hostels/hotels very early to have more choices of cheap places to stay. I am doing 15 days this June in France and Spain and booked my hotels last August. I've checked them recently and many of them are sold out now. My 15 nights accomodations will cost about $1,079. Hostels would be much cheaper. I did the hostel thing my last trip to Italy and Greece. It was fun but kind of a pain to share a room and especially a bathroom.

Whenever possible, eat street food and visit supermarkets to save money on food.

Please don't overpack, you'll be miserable lugging everything around, especially when the hotel only has stairs. I spent a month in Italy and Greece with just a carry-on sized travel pack I could carry on my back. I washed clothes a couple times along the way. Towards the end, I got bored with my clothes and bought a cheap dress and skirt for something different to wear. If you buy souvenirs, buy things you'll actually use in real life, not nicknack crap you'll put in a drawer and forget about. Over 20 years ago, I visited Munich and splurged on a bavarian goose down comforter. Was a pain to carry that around, lol. I have used it on my bed every single day since and it's still perfect.

Don't worry, I'm a woman and always travel alone. Be friendly and you'll meet people all over, especially if you stay in hostels. You'll also meet plenty of men and you have to know how to firmly say "no, thanks, not interested" if you want them to go away. You might also need to do a little dodging into a building if they are persistent. Sometimes that happens but most guys move on. It's not scary (usually). Just be smart and assertive. I've also met a few guys I didn't want to tell to go away so it depends on what you want You're in charge of yourself.

One thing I love to do is wear my college t-shirts or something that says where I'm from. Can't tell you how many conversations that's started and the only way I discovered people who live in the same state, one time the very same town. Sometimes a few days into a trip in a foreign place where it can be a struggle to figure everything out, it's a big injection of comfort to talk with someone from your home country for a few minutes.


[ 11-Feb-2012, at 11:34 by laurim ]

hm, actually most of places in Europe are great and safe enough, if you only dont do silly things yourself. Travelling alone has lotsa benefits - you meet ppl and contact everywhere and it's alone great expirience. As it was said - hostels also inexpensive and a one big "pot" where u have a chance to meet folks and make friends. Take minimum staff with you, you should b packed light. Comfy shoes r important.

Munich is great, good choice, I luved Berlin too.
you didnt say how long time u have and which season you r going, bt basically let's see what is around there.
I luved Amsterdam (and all around in Netherlands) very much. There is Belgium nearby - which is delicious. France - its not only Paris! Austria: stylish Vienna, safe, clean, straight-mind country. Salzburg, Gratz and many and may of countryside. Italy - is number one ever, bt it's already going South. Not sure how much time you have.
A bit cheaper is Eastern Europe: Prague and rest of Chech R., Budapest (Hungary). My personal favorite there is Romania - I love it there. Especially Transilvania (Drakula, u know)
If you can allow yourself going South-South, there r Spain (dont miss Barcelona!), Portugal and Greece - which I adore almost as much as Italy

Munich is great. Other great places are college towns (you won't feel as lonely when traveling and it is really easy to meet, smart, intelligent people who also are about the same age as you. It is also quite easy to find cheap, or even free places to crash for the night.

For this reason, you might want to go to places like Heidelberg in Germany, Bologna in Italy, Montpellier in France, Salamanca in Spain, Coimbra in Portugal, or Oxford or Cambridge in England.

P.S. If you ever get over to the USA, well-known and fun college towns are Athens, Georgia; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Gainesville, Florida; Bloomington, Indiana; and my home town--Santa Cruz, California.

Minsk, Belarus. Safe, old-fashioned, not overcrowded with tourists...

Minsk, Belarus. Safe, old-fashioned, not overcrowded with tourists...

and nothing to see!

Hey Im a 20 year old female desperate to travel somewhere alone, very cheaply. Im drawn towards Germany right now as Munich is the nearest airport to Neuschwanstein castle where I really want to go. Does anyone have any travel tips/advice for me Id appreciate or know if its possible to actually do on a really tight budget? Also where else is good to go alone? Like anyone whos had a great experience. Thanks to anyone who answers..

Netherlands would be the best choice. Amazing scenery,elegant life,nice weather,colourful flower,stable political situation,and safe public security. you can google for more information about it. i have been there last year it's really nice and i'll keep the memory in my mind forever.
hope it helps

From April till October inthe Netherland: FLORIADE

For lovers of garden and flower shows, this is an event to look forward to as Floriade only takes place once every 10 years. And if you plan well, you can also link this to a visit to the Keukenhof springtime tulip festival.

Where is the best place in Europe to visit alone??

Where is the best place in Europe to visit alone??

Where is the best place in Europe to visit alone??

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