6k for the whole trip? that wouldn't be enough... well, one of the ways that other people go on seeing the world is by getting a job on cruise ship jobs. there are specific cruise ships that offers a tour around the world. although it may not be the same as being a full time tourist, working on a ship makes you see the world, enjoy company of people of different places and culture, and you can make money..
Me and a few friends are planning on a 6 month trip around the world in October 2010. We are trying to plan everything now well trying to work out what route we should take. We were thinking maybe;
New york
Hong Kong
LondonAll these are the main places we are thinking of flying to but are planning on going to other places in between and spending 3 months in OZ.. maybe a month doing south america and a few months around Asia.
Is this the right way to do it and the cheapest way or is there no such thing as the right way?
Our spending budget is around 6k.
Any help would be much appreciated
Many Thanks Daniel
Hi Dan,
He is right, 6 k will not be enough especially with the tokyo leg. I run a travel company (xtreme gap year) and often help people put together their dream round the world trips, feel free to pm me if you need help.
The thing to take into account is you need to travel in one direction with a round the world ticket, hongkong and tokyo are taking you back on your self...
Th USA leg you could do overland, and would be a pretty cool adventure in itself.
Thanks for your advice guys.
Jonnyc would 6k not be enough spending money. I have read alot of info and it goes by the rule of £1k a month!! Is this not right? i suppose it all depends on how you spend your money and dont go out getting hammered everynight.
Yeah we was thinking of just flying to new york and then finding our own way to different places we wanted to see. As im guessing that you can get a bus or rail card in america for cheap?
Is Tokyo a expensive place then?
I no that Thailand is dead cheap that is why we thought it might be best to make Asia the last leg of our journey.
Definitely roadtrip within the USA, it'll be more fun You could use Greyhound (bus) or Amtrak (train), or theres planty of backpacker-type tours you could join that'd get you across the country. Japan is an expensive destination, so maybe you can plan to spend just a little time there. Honestly, take as much money as you can, especially if you're not gonna be working anywhere. If you reach your budget goal, don't stop - just keep on saving. When you're halway through your trip you'll be pleased you did!

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