Hi all,
With a week: do you mean a week on st. Vincent itself or including the travelling?
The travelling itself will take days, if not a week as well. Do you have a flight booked from Argentina? That's not exactly clear to me.
I've read somewhere in the news that Venezuela is closing borders with Colombia as we speak (not sure about how it is in reality there of course), so I guess your best options would be to go up north through Brazil from Manaus towards Venezueal and than towards Caracas.
As you see the only flights from Venezuela to St. Vincent are from Porlamar which is Isla Margarita if I am correct. There are flights from Caracas to Isla Margarita.
Otherwise there are from Venezueal to isla margarita and also irregular ferries to Trinidad from where there are more options to fly to St. Vincent.
Possible route from Santiago could be first north towards Peru and south towards Bolivia again, into Argentina, and then north through Brazil.
Brother, exactly how much time do you have? You can't just "pop over" to Peru or Brazil from Santiago. It takes something like 20 hours to get from Santiago to BsAs for instance.
From the coast of Venezuela to St. Vincent, it's over four hundred miles. There won't be a ferry making that run, if that's what you were hoping for. It looks like your only bet is to fly Caracas , Port of Spain, Kingstown. Looks like Liat will do it for about three hundred one way. Conviasa, about the same The connections in Port of Spain suck. 7 or 8 hours.
As for flying from Caracas.... listen, if you are going all the way through Ecuador and Colombia just to get there, you are wasting your time. It's 2700 miles to Bogota, then another 650 to Caracas. Just fly.
From the short note you wrote, I get the feeling you don't really understand how far apart these things are. I mean, they are ridiculously far. Consider that Brazil is almost as large as the continental U.S. That's a lot of moving around for just a casual visit.
That said: Perhaps you do understand the size and have pots of dough. Then I'd fly, if'n I were you.
[ 23-Jul-2010, at 09:59 by Piecar ]
Hi Thanks for the reply.
TBH i did not realise exactly how far it was but I do actually have as much time as required...we will be on a rtw trip and have up to a year to complete it. We will have already visited s.e asia, oz and nz so will have roughly four months in south america.
I imagined the travel would take about 3 weeks to get there stay a week or a few days and then head back to brazil.
With regards to flights how much roughly would I expect to be paying? I know we are going to have far distances to travel but I guess it will be worth it!
The only suggestion I can make is that there is now a GOL (I hope I have that correct) from Brazil to Barbados every Saturday and then you can take a flight from Barbados to St. Vincent. This would give you about 6 days in St. Vincent based on flying Saturday to Saturday. The flights leave out of Sao Paolo. Trying to get to Venezuala just to get to St. Vincent, doesn't really make much sense. I can't help with the flights, but you should be able to find an agency in Brazil that could likely get you a flight.
A GOL??? not sure what that is but I will look it up thanks...The only worry I have is that as Sao Paolo is quite south in brazil and as everyone on here has said Brazil is so huge that the flight will cost an absolute bomb! hopefully not though...If any one has ever done that flight please let me know costs etc. thanks
It's a flight with the Brazilian airline GOL.
makes sense! lol dint realise it was an airline...i'll go on and see how much it costs. thanks.
oh gosh sorry.. just realized what I had written re Gol.. I guess I meant to say "an airline Gol".. fingers type to fast and obviously I don't proof read.. sorry.. Hope you got all this figured out.

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