Hi everyone,
I would take a trip to the bookshop and have a look at both to see which suits your personal needs to be honest.
It's amazing how much info on hostels you will glean from fellow travellers en route. Ditto for sites to see, restaurants, bars the lot.
It's also an option to get a country specific book and then swap it in the hostel as you leave one country and head to another. There are always guides kicking about in hostels with book swaps. They may be old in some instances but it depends what sort of info you are looking for.
The only way to pick out a guide book is go to the store and compare them side by side. Everyone is looking for something different and each guide is a little different even though the info is pretty much the same. I would just make sure you get the most recent.
my personal preference is Lonely Planet. seemed to be pretty extensive.
I don't carry a guidebook anymore...But I gotta say, I really liked my Footprint when I went to Venezuela. Just a different take on things.

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