Opinions on bringing an iphone?

Im planning a trip travelling through Asia, and I was thinking of getting an iphone to take with
as that ticks off internet access, phone, music and apps (like compass, gps etc)
What your opinion? Is it worth it, or are there alternatives?
is it just tempting fate to bring something so expensive?
because obviously id be gutted if it got nicked.

I'd take mine... just make sure you have insurance. As it's a phone, you tend to have it on yourself all the time anyway. A laptop is much more prone to being nicked.

The big downside of course being the cost of roaming if you are planning to keep your sim card in it? You could probably get one of these , but the iphone tends to be locked, so I'm not sure it would work? And if you can be really disciplined, whenever you have wifi, you could of course call home using the skype app. I LOVE that app!!

I think you should take it - when I was in SE Asia recently I noticed there was wifi everywhere so I think you'd get lots of use out of it without having to pay the roaming charges. It's also a really useful way of backing up photos so you don't have the worry of losing them all if something happens to your camera. Like Sam says, just make sure you have insurance.

You could always take an ipod touch. Everything an iphone has but much cheaper. £100 or less for an 8gb version. I am taking one with a cheap phone and using the touch to make skype calls and texts and receive texts through the cheap phone.

I used mine a lot in recent trip to japan, almost everyday.
If you're worried about roaming charges, just set into Airplane mode, and just enable wifi. This disables your calls/messages and 3G data (if you don't mind), saves money, and saves battery. Disable wifi when you know you're not using it to save even more energy. This also means you can't use the internet and compass/map.

Alternatively, get a local phone SIM card, but that's if you need it. To do this, your iphone needs to be unlocked. Depending on where you purchase the phone, might need to contact your provider to see if possible (there might be a fee involved).

I used my iphone mainly for saving images of maps to my new hostel/places i want to go, and referring to it as a map. I also installed a few language learning apps to learn while on the train/downtime.
I wouldn't rely on using iphone as my main camera or even camera back up - have heard a lot of Apple products failing stories. It was handy when I needed to quickly whip out the video function though!

But as s96024 suggested, an ipod touch might be handy if you don't plan on making any calls. Just don't flash it around i guess, secure it like you'd secure your passport. Set a passcode lock on it, so at least no one has access to your data if it does get nicked.

Ipod 'Touch' sounds nice, but it depends on habits really. Personally I'd leave it and just take a cheap mobile and some kind of charger and stay fairly 'low-tech'. There's internet cafes everywhere.

Why not, I mean there are a lot of phones that are great to bring in international travel and Iphone is one of them. There are tons of application that can help you out like in information or in entertainment. Well, sometimes the reason why we lost something valuable is we don't take care of them. if in a place we get too careless, specially in crowded places, and we flash it around even when we don't need to, then it may attract some robbers or something...

I agree with dnicholson. There are some brilliant apps on the iphone/touch for travellers. It's a phone/Mp3 player/video player/games/notebook/calculator/map/clock/alarm/internet browser then you have got skype/translators/exchange rates/hostel booking/flight booking/guide book apps. It really is one of the most useful pieces of technology you can get. That's coming from someone who never really liked the older ipods. The touch is so much more than an mp3 player. If your a careless person and you tend to lose things like this quite easily then maybe it isn't such a good idea, there are a lot of people like that. But if your careful with your things then it is invaluable.

I'd definitely switch off roaming myself when travelling. In fact, I have it set to Off all the time, and it only kicks in when travelling (it's under Settings > General > Network). Another reason for taking it is checking your email anywhere there is wifi (same goes for an ipod touch). Nice way to get one of the travel guides here now There's so many hotspots, you'd probably save a bundle on internet cafes, not to mention having to find one isn't always as easy as finding an open wifi hotspot. There are security issues involved with wifi hotspots, but I guess they are not top of the line concerns for most of us. Just be careful logging into banks on a public untrusted source.

Hi lucyloo
I´ve been travelling for the last 8 months around the world with my ipod touch. I absolutely love it. I use it for: email, internet, multi-language phrasebooks, electronic diary, budget, currency exchange calculator, weather, internet banking, and of course games for those long bus journeys! It is fantastic, there are so many useful apps for travellers and many hostels and restaurants now have free wi-fi so you can quickly check your email without having to go to an internet cafe. I must admit I´ve been worried about getting it stolen... but you´ve just got to be careful i guess, don´t show it in public, etc. Hope this helps.

Opinions on bringing an iphone?

Opinions on bringing an iphone?

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