Anything is possible with enough cash, however, US Immigration is more than experienced with this type of behavior. There are thousands of illegals in California alone, but you might change your mind once you see the lines of unemployed and homeless on the streets of LA or SF!
I really don't think this is a smart plan. Yes, you can get a phony drivers license, social security card. There is a huge business in LA dealing in phony documents. Caters almost exclusively to the latino population. But they will be detected. The police can detect fraudulent DLs, employers now check SS numbers to see if they are assigned to the person using them. As stated, there are millions of Americans out of work now. There is no shortage of labor. The Mexicans will work off the books cheaper than you will. This makes earning any money very difficult right now.
The sponsor idea makes sense. You are taking a huge risk on staying illegally. My 2 cents.
Yeah, things have changed a bit from previous years.
I run my own company (in addition to my regular job) and last year I employed my son for a short period. Back in January when I tried to file his W-2 form (which you now have to do online), it told me that his social security number was invalid and wasn't on the system.
Turns out that his first name was spelled incorrectly (they spelled it "Jeffery" instead of "Jeffrey") when he first got his social security number (back when he was a baby). He had to go down to the social security office and get this corrected (showing his drivers license and picture student ID card) just so I could get him paid.
I think what some illegals do is to work for a short period, then move on to the next job--or else work "off the books". For most employers this doesn't pay, though--since they need the deductions to apply against income, or else they have to pay income on the inflated revenue amounts.
[ . ]
You can get all the fake identification but do you really want to build a life and family with the constant fear of being found out and then being deported back to your home country? may not be a big deal when you are young and child free but imagine 20yrs up the road when you have a steady job,a house,cars,and children in school then all of a sudden theres a knock on the door and your nightmare begins,say goodby to everything. Doing it the right way will give you peace of mind and you will have to do it all from your home country as you cant apply for permanant residence status while in the USA.
[ 07-Dec-2009, at 00:25 by jambo101 ]
Realize that you have announced your (possible) intentions on a very popular open forum. Granted, that doesn't mean anyone of "authority" has seen your post - but it doesn't mean they haven't either. (Hey, I don't plan on spreading the word.) But, NEVER trust that there isn't some governmental official (or "not so official" official) just sitting back typing in key words looking for "those trying to live in the US illegally". Sorry, but Homeland Security is still scouring the internet. They may not be able to find a very large needle in a haystack, but such a post is not above drawing attention. (Call me paranoid, but I live here and weirder things have happened.)
To repeat everyone else's sentiment - play by the rules. To expand on jambo101's reply - if you do evade detection long enough to have children while here - once discovered, you go home and they most likely stay without parents. Foster care is not where you want them to be while you sort things out. They will be US citizens while you will still be "Illegals".
What type of training/skills/eduction do you and your wife have? It's better to look at things from that aspect and what jobs you may be able to acquire than just staying here. American companies are hiring from the outside if you have the skills/experience they need. (Washing dishes at an Applebee's or Chili's is not needed.)
But, NEVER trust that there isn't some governmental official (or "not so official" official) just sitting back typing in key words looking for "those trying to live in the US illegally". Sorry, but Homeland Security is still scouring the internet. They may not be able to find a very large needle in a haystack, but such a post is not above drawing attention. (Call me paranoid, but I live here and weirder things have happened.)
Or maybe that government official is throwing out a topic scenarios looking for people who condone and encourage such illegal behavior
Or maybe that government official is throwing out a topic scenarios looking for people who condone and encourage such illegal behavior[/quote]
Now that would really be sneaky. Glad I told our new member 'Mike1412' to play by the rules!

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