Would i be able to bring meat or is that a totally daft idea
I think that Argentina customs would be less than thrilled Plus, the mere idea of bringing meat of all products to Argentina is fairly ironic.
does less than thrilled mean No way its not allowed, or that they just would not be happy about it???!!!
it says on the Argentina customs website (http://argentina.visahq.com/customs/) that:
The following goods may be imported into Argentina without incurring customs duty:
(a) Travellers over 18 years of age coming from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay or Uruguay, or residents returning to Argentina after less than one years stay in these countries, may import the following goods to a value of US$100:
200 cigarettes and 25 cigars; 1l of alcohol; 2kg of foodstuffs.
(b) Travellers over 18 years of age coming from countries other than those listed above, or residents returning to Argentina after less than one year?s stay in countries other than those above, may import the following goods to a value of US$300:
400 cigarettes and 50 cigars; 2l of alcohol; 5kg of foodstuffs
Just need to know to be sure. Cheers.
Here is a link to the US Customs FAQs concerning foodstuffs:
Sorry, I should have been explicit. I meant to say "no way that Argentina customs will let you import meat".
Can't find their regulations online, but I am certain that they're extremely touchy on the subject of importing organic substances of any kind. Very afraid of letting contaminated produce into the country, they are.
Well travelling with meat is like awkward, so I think it's not a good idea.
I'd rather suggest that you buy one once your in the place and for sure it's freshier.
Enjoy your trip!
Various countries and airports, both abroad and at home, have different rules for imports and exports of food.
For instance, it is OK to take fresh meat and cheese into Bulgaria and Romania by plane in your hand luggage from the UK. But it will be confiscated if found going through security in BG or RO, whilst en-route to the UK. The UK doesn't have a problem with either product in either direction, as long as they're in a sealed unit and you have a receipt for the contents and weight. It's the BG and RO Authorities that don't allow it on board a flight out. You should check, not only with the airline and country's Embassy/Consulate, but also with security by phone at the airport of departure and arrival. Certainly worth a little money spent on two phone calls.
thanks very much for all your help, much appreciated
Happy Christmas!!!

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