Would it be possible to have 'next thread' and 'previous thread' links from within thread pages? Then it wouldn't be necessary to go 'back' on the browser to read a different thread; similar to how it is within an email inbox and TP's message inbox to get to the next and previous messages.
To avoid going back a page all the time to return to the list of threads, I use tabs to view them. Just hold down the Ctrl key (or Cmd for macs) and click on the link, and the page will be opened in a new tab.
Thanks Hien - I do use tabs for this purpose sometimes but if there was the next and previous options it would mean everything would be in one window which is easier (in my opinion) than having several tabs open.
Makes sense bex and totally doable of course. Will try to get it done with the redesign.
I would think there is a potential issue with this, regarding threads being updated with new posts - the natural progression of threads you saw on the forum wouldn't necessarily be followed with next and previous links due to updates (new posts) happening whilst reading a thread.
I would think there is a potential issue with this, regarding threads being updated with new posts - the natural progression of threads you saw on the forum wouldn't necessarily be followed with next and previous links due to updates (new posts) happening whilst reading a thread.
Fair point. Probably not a major issue, but the order could become out of sync with the list you saw initially. The most likely scenario is that you answer one of the threads. So it starts like this..
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread 4
You go in to thread 3 and respond. All of a sudden the order of the threads would become like this:
Thread 3
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 4
You're looking at thread 3, so instead of seeing 2 as Next and 4 as Previous, you will now see Thread 2 as the Previous and the "Next" will be lost.
Probably not really showstopper though The next/previous links should make clear what the next thread's name is anyway to avoid confusion.
Makes sense bex and totally doable of course. Will try to get it done with the redesign.
Great, thanks Peter.
I would think there is a potential issue with this, regarding threads being updated with new posts - the natural progression of threads you saw on the forum wouldn't necessarily be followed with next and previous links due to updates (new posts) happening whilst reading a thread.
It could get a little confusing but I agree with Peter that it's not a massive issue as the order doesn't really matter too much, and it would only be an extra click to get past any threads that you're not interested in.
I'd think sticking with the threadid, over the 'last post date' makes sense in this case, or would that just be really confusing?
I think that could be rather confusing. If someone clicks on one of the fairly old, but active threads - like the meetup thread for Sydney for instance, then they would have next / previous links to some quite irrelevant threads. And possibly people would then re-open these old threads when they shouldn't.

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