Hello there
There have been quite a few questions about criminal records recently though most of them involve possession of pot and one for skipping out on a hotel bill. Your arrest is a 20 year old offense. By "spent", I take it the statues of limitation have expired in the UK. Yes, we wacky Americans do look at things differently but a record that old would not pop up on any screen as it's a non-issue. If, in fact the statues of limitation have expired, your authorities would not be obliged to upload that information into their database. You did not have a problem in 2006 and are very unlikely to see that change in 2010.
Only you can decide how you wish to proceed on this. But, if you did not declare the conviction in 2006, it's not worth declaring it now. The only caveat to that... Have you been arrested/convicted of a crime since the shoplifting situation? If not, consider yourself rehabilitated, an older and wiser person, and having a conviction that has run it's course. Oh, you must promise not to nick a candy bar or pack of smokes during your visit.
Hi Isadora
I really thank you for your very helpful reply.
It has made me feel a bit more reassured about my future trip to USA!
If I make it to USA, I promise not to knick a candy bar or anything as such!!
Warm wishes

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