Hey everyone,
When I was in Bs As it was xmas so I called home and I found it really cheap. I just asked to use the hostel phone and it was less than a pound for 20 odd mins probably. I was well surprised I have to say.
home being the UK.
When I was there last year we stayed in the HI hostel on Humberto Primo (I dont know the districts very well - near San Telmo) and there was a small internet place (not a cafe like a shop with about 8 computers and sweets) across the road and we skyped from there. Hope this helps? This was a year ago so the place may be gone.
There were a few places in the centre also that we went to a few times that let you use skype but I do remember it was hard to find, if she looks near the pedestrian zone in the centre (my mind is going blank as to street names) she'll find one there, a lot are located downstairs.
If someone needs any advice or help in Buenos Aires, Dont Worry, I can help you. I'm Argentinian, living in downtown. -snip-
Best Regards
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