The List?

I was just wondering whether anyone else does this?

My list is still just in my head...I think if I actually wrote down all the places I want to go I would feel overwhealmed and probably depressed that I may never get to visit them all!! One step at a time hehe

I keep a copy of that list on my writing desk... It's called an atlas. Seriously though, if I started writing that list I wouldn't get outside my front door again.

My list would be too long too, but I've got a shorter list of places that I want to go next or very soon. At the moment India is top of that list.

When I was travelling and found a place that I really liked, I would think to myself I have to come back here someday. That list started getting pretty long as well!

So many places, so little time (or money)!

A shorter list would be places we have absolutely NO interest in seeing. I'll start:

1. The middle part of North America (from Kansas north to Saskatchewan). Boooring!
2. Afghanistan or Iraq. At least, until the fighting stops. Then, sure, why not?
3. George W. Bush's future presidential library.
4. Chernobyl, Ukraine. Yes, still not a good picnic spot.
5. The spot in the mid-Pacific that is reportedly a huge floating mass of plastic waste.
6. New Jersey. Oh, wait, I've already been there. "The Garden State"?! Who are they kidding?
7. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
8. Auschwitz or any other concentration camp. Seriously, these are tourist sites?
9. The Somali coast in a small, unarmed yacht.
10. Disneyland, Disney World, Euro-Disney, Hong Kong Disneyland... whatever.

If I would make a list, I would probably make 3 or 4 pages of all the places that I would love to visit. There are a lot of places that I would love to see eversince I was a kid. but now that I am a little bit older, I don't think that most of them will become a reality because of the status of the economy...

Actually, I do have a list, of about 50 countries. But the top 10 are (not necessarily in order):

1. Egypt
2. Israel (especially Jerusalem)
3. Greece
4. Tikal, Guatemala (the Mayan ruins)
5. Sydney and the Queensland coast
6. Peru
7. North and South Poles (if I could only afford it!)
8. The Serengeti and Kilimanjaro
9. The Caspian Sea
10. The Amazon River

By the end of 2010, I hope to see #1 and #5.

Oh yes, I have a list too - still in my head. DH and I will be ticking one of them off next summer, though, when we go to Napa Valley. We've still got New Zealand, Australia, and huge parts of the USA to do.

I'd love to see Africa while I am still vaguely mobile, though DH isn't so sure as he's been to South Africa and Zimbabwe for work(got chased by elephants in Zimbabwe!).

I'm really enjoying Tavellerspoint! It's great to find so many travel-lovers and read about your experiences.

I keep a copy of that list on my writing desk... It's called an atlas. Seriously though, if I started writing that list I wouldn't get outside my front door again.

Ditto for me.

I also got a big map of Europe, sometimes when I cannot decide where to go next for all the choices I have I just throw a dart at it. Where the darts lands I go to.

Or when I had a short list of 3-4 countries to go to and couldn't decided I also used the dart method before - I just assigned the countries/places certain values on the dart board.

The List?

The List?

The List?

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