

I haven't really traveled and brought a torch in my bag before, well, I do have one in my car but when I don't bring it, I don't have one. There is one time that I needed one but since I smoke and always carries a lighter, it worked for me...

Go for the head lamp. They're small and incredibly useful. Much easier to tote around than a full-size flashlight.

Take a torch, blackouts are a feature of many spots in the world. I became enamoured of teh headtorch on my lasat trip, hands free, marvellous.

There are plenty of good cheap wind up one on the market now too.

I'd suggest the head-torch and a small (cheapo) hand-torch that takes an ordinary (AA) battery.

When I was in SE Asia recently there were several times when torches were needed; I didn't have one but next time I go away I'll probably take a small one. I'm not sure it's worth taking up lots of space and weight for a bigger one.

I would just take a headlight, because it leaves your hands free. Also they don't take much space, wherever you pack them.

The headlamp is a good suggestion. Personally, I don't take a torch. Always managed without 1, just as I always survive very well without a laptop. If absolutely desperate, my mobile phone lets me switch the camera flash on permanently and it does me just fine. It's like a little halogen lamp and guides me nicely to my bed or across a field to my tent.
Modern technology in the pocket eh?

Take a torch. No need for one that can double-function as a club, but the head light is a good idea.

If I had brought a torch with me on my trip to the Ukraine I wouldn't have broken leg on my second day in Kiev. I got back in the dark from the internet cafe and stepped into that stupid pothole right in front of the hostel entrance. The pain was excruciating and seeing an Ukrainian city hospital from the inside was really not my idea of fun. It took years for my leg to heal properly. Even now sometimes my ankle hurts when I have been walking a lot.

No need to take both, headlamp can double as a torch, or at least my headlamp is good enough for it. Lighter and takes up less space




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