How easy was it to find work in Oz

Just wondering how easy it was for most people to find work in Australia on a WHV? Did it take you a couple of weeks, days, etc? What kind of jobs did you find were easier to fill (on a WHV)? And how did you go about looking for work - just walked right in and asked, job postings in hostels, etc? I'm trying to get a feel for how easy it is to find work there....thanks!!

Hey, I would say start looking when you get there. It was hard finding a job when I was there in 2007. I found a job in a warehouse, but it wasn't the best in the world. Office jobs are really hard to get. I did get a job working for YHA in Raiway Sq and Central, although it wasn't paid we got free food, and money of out accomidation. We also got to jump the que at Scubar A lot of my friends did fruit picking, and they pays well around $20AUD an hour.

Bar jobs are hard to get, cause every backpacker is after them, but in Sydney you need an RSA before you can start work. I'm off to NZ in June, then back to Australia at christmas.

Hope this helps.

[ 04-Jan-2010, at 11:50 by jasonh2015 ]

Well the good thing about the internet nowadays is that it makes searching for something a lot easier and it includes things like houses and jobs. There are quite a number of sites out there that could provide help in getting yourself a job in the country. you can start it anytime, whether its before you go to the country or while on the country. but of course thats only the first step, getting yourself an interview is one and the interview and tests it self is another thing to go through.

If you do not worry about what kind of work you are wanting to do, are willing to take the time out and walk around, cold canvasing your resume around to different areas eg. business areas, you should have no problem. The biggest problem i think that you will come across, is that the previous issue is with backpackers, never sure if you will be here one day and gone the next. Which puts a bad picture out for the rest of you, who will stay and hang around for the work and get the job done.

You best bet is to wait till in Australia, get the local paper generally on Weds and Sat, have the most and just be persistent. Maybe if going for a more office type work don't lead on that you are traveling, of cause employers want you for long term.
From fruit picking, warehouse work, bar work, waiter, out of town roadhouse work, on station work, keeping in mind there are loads of recruitment agencies around so have your resume ready and just drop it around. There is always something out there if you are not fused at getting dirty a little hot at times and experiences little of what Australia is like.... Be persistent get hold of an RSA from the local tafe, that wouldn't be hard i don't think even though you are traveling. Most of all talk to the locals most of us wont bite and always willing to be helpful...

Hope this helps a little in your preparations and happy happy travels.

I'm pretty flexible about what kind of job i would be willing to do. I work in an office now and have been doing so for about the past 5 or 6 years...i hate it! I would love to get into the hospitality industry and get a fun job where i could meeting people. I was thinking maybe bar work or a waitress. Do you need an RSA just to serve alcohol or do you need it either way? Do you know generally how long the hours are for fruit picking and how early you have to get up. I've heard its fun but i'm not sure i want to get up at the crack of dawn everyday. Also, do hostels have a tendency to post a lot of jobs that are geared more towards backpackers?

Seriously.... you want work within the day that you get there... Alice Springs is the place for you... it's hard not to get a job here!!

How easy was it to find work in Oz

How easy was it to find work in Oz

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