Travellerspoint blog template for own domain

Very recently joined the TP community. I am leaving on a 6 months RTW-trip in about a month and am setting up a website to allow friends and family to follow me during my travels. My question is, and sorry if this has come up before (I tried searching the forum), is it possible to import the travellerspoint blog template to my own domain, for example as a blogger or wordpress theme? It is just what I am looking for and would save me a lot of time. Since I will have other things on the website I'd rather not just link my domain to a blog made here at travellerspoint.

I think Sam or Peter would need to give an official answer to this, but I imagine that answer would be no; the blog templates here are copyrighted artwork, which professional designers have been hired to create specifically for Travellerspoint. Their (imo rather awesome) looks are an incentive for people to create their blogs here at Travellerspoint, rather than somewhere else, which helps the site grow. Allowing people to use those templates on non-Travellerspoint blogs would somewhat defeat the purpose...

If I may ask, what other things do you want on your website which you couldn't do with a blog here? As long as the purpose of the website is entirely to document your RTW trip, these other things sound like things which Travellerspoint should be (wanting to) providing, too. (We already have photo hosting, video hosting, travel maps, etc...)

[ 03-Jan-2010, at 03:14 by Sander ]

Hi Sander,
Thanks for the quick reply. The answer is along the lines of what I expected, but it never hurts to ask. I understand that TP is not open source and that probably many people have put in a lot of time in making this an excellent meeting point for travellers.

As for why I prefer to have it on my own domain, part of it is that I'd like to host my files (photos etc.) on a domain which I control and own. Part of it is that I'd like to add certain features to the blog such as having 3 blog pages in 3 different languages, which you can switch among by cliicking on a link (e.g. a flag symbol). I admit that I did not look for threads about the possibility of tweeking the blog template.

Again, thanks for the quick reply.


As for why I prefer to have it on my own domain, part of it is that I'd like to host my files (photos etc.) on a domain which I control and own.

Heh, I completely understand, and personally am doing the same thing. For those who have the technical know-how and are willing to make the effort, that's definitely something which a hosted site like this can never compete with.

Part of it is that I'd like to add certain features to the blog such as having 3 blog pages in 3 different languages, which you can switch among by cliicking on a link (e.g. a flag symbol).

Hmm, now this is something which might be interesting here for Travellerspoint, too. I think you could hack it together by running three separate blogs, each in their own language (we already offer the ability to completely change the language of everything on a blog), and then having little flag image links in the sidebar (the position of which you could change with CSS, as we allow full control of that) - but maybe this is something that we could think about offering in a less hacky way as part of the whole multi-lingual push that we're doing...

[ 03-Jan-2010, at 03:48 by Sander ]

I was thinking along those lines as well (having 3 separate blogs with "flag links" between them), but my coding skills are fall between slim and none in terms of html, php etc. And between packing and moving everything in my house, work and finishing the last trip planning, I doubt I'll have the time to get up to par in this respect. It so happens that I leave end of January, so time is tight

Let me know if you think of another way, I still might consider having my blog(s) here at TP and just do some primitive re-directing from my domain.


I was thinking along those lines as well (having 3 separate blogs with "flag links" between them), but my coding skills are fall between slim and none in terms of html, php etc. And between packing and moving everything in my house, work and finishing the last trip planning, I doubt I'll have the time to get up to par in this respect. It so happens that I leave end of January, so time is tight

Let me know if you think of another way, I still might consider having my blog(s) here at TP and just do some primitive re-directing from my domain.

If you run out of time and indeed want to do it here, this won't need any html/php/etc - Just the following steps:
1) (you start out with the ability to create 5 blogs, but can get as many as 50 by contributing to the site).
2) Set a language for each of the blogs on the "settings" page. (Your languages might not yet be available, but then we offer the ability to create it for us just by translating the necessary texts; I'd guess you'd want English, Swedish and Dutch though, which are all there.)
3) On each blog, create links to the other two blogs on the "manage -> links" page, specifying the URL of the relevant flag image for each link. (You can upload those here, too.)
4) Optionally move the flag images to a different position on the page with CSS on the "template -> edit your template" page. If you don't know CSS, I'd be happy to tell you how to do that. You could also have links to the other pages of the rest of your website, and position/style them to mimic the main navigation of your website, making the whole seem more tightly integrated.

The only truly annoying thing about having three separate blogs for this, is that you'd need to keep very good track of which blog you're in when you're writing posts, to make certain you're writing them in the right language (we only indicate this at the very top of the management pages), and that the URL of the blog would change depending on language. (But since you can choose the URLs, you could still choose logical / easy to remember ones.)

I'd follow these steps myself now as an example of how that'd end up looking like, but just ran into a bug where us Moderators are prevented from having more than 5 blogs. Just submitted a fix, but that'll take a little time to go live, and so I can't quite demo this for you.

[ 03-Jan-2010, at 05:49 by Sander ]

Thanks for the help!
I will give it a try when I have some time in the next couple of days. I'll let you know how it works out.

It would be cool to be able to resolve our own custom domain to a blog, keeping all the usual copyright and "powered by travellers point" graphics and notices.

It would be cool to be able to resolve our own custom domain to a blog, keeping all the usual copyright and "powered by travellers point" graphics and notices.

That's been on the todo list for a while (also see ). I kinda expect it should be close to bubbling to the top by now - this might be just the reminder Sam and Peter need to actually look into the details of it.

[ 25-Dec-2011, at 02:20 by Sander ]

Travellerspoint blog template for own domain

Travellerspoint blog template for own domain

Travellerspoint blog template for own domain

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