Hi all
Try the modern art gallery. Usually some pretty cool pieces there. It's near George Square (centre).
The science museum is damned cool too. I've only been once and it was actually the day after a Rangers game (they lost 1-0 to Man U ) but it was fun. Plenty gadgets to try and a bus will get you there no probs. Actually not that far from castle greyskull (aka Ibrox).
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There's also the 'Peoples Palace' - a shortish walk along the river to Glasgow Green. It was a good place to learn something of Glaswegian social history and far more interesting than these things sound. No disrespect.
And don't forget haggis and chips! That slowed me down - but managed to sleep some of it off in the modern art museum. 8]
You can visit the Glasgow Cathedral, lovely place. Surrounding area is a bit creepy around dusk though. The city centre's not bad for whiling away a few hours. Or you can go for a nice stroll/bike ride along the Clyde walkway.

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