i'm hoping to make the move to in london in april 2010, providing i have earned enough money.
i'll be just nineteen and traveling by myself, as my friend who was supposed to be coming with me is well...a bit of a flake.
i've never lived out of home before so i know it'll be a very daunting experience, but i feel like it's something i really need to do to gain some independence, maturity etc. and of course an amazing experience.
plus i fell in love with london when i went there something like ten years ago, and have wanted to live there ever since.
so because i will be a young girl traveling alone, would it be a good idea to set up a live-in pub job before i go, or to find my own job and shared accommodation?
luckily, i have a lot of family/family friends over there, so if shit turns sour i guess i've always got a couch to sleep on.
I guess it depends on if you want to start working immediately upon arrival, or very soon after.
London gets tons of folks moving here, so there are a number of options for short-term accommodations you could arrange (or crash on one of your friends house) while you look for a place. I used when I first moved here to have a place for my first month while I checked out neighbourhoods and looked for something longer term. Personally, I would much rather look at the neighbourhood and place before committing to living to a place longer term. For a longer term place, check , or
As for jobs, it's tough right now, but could be better by April. Even so, bar jobs have a high turn over and a quick search seems to show a whole host of them.
I wouldn't go for a live-in pub job, even on the very unlikely offchance that you could find one. With those jobs you're pretty much in thrall to the management, for your bed and board as well your pay, so really at risk of being taken advantage of.
Hi there,
you didn't mention in your original post where you're coming from- I'm assuming you're coming on a working holiday visa or similar?
Besides pub jobs, which most young foreigners tend to go for, it is also relatively easy to get junior admin jobs, such as office runner etc, which usually pay mariginally more than pub jobs, and have normal working hours of about 9-5-ish, which means you can actually enjoy the city in the evenings and weekends. You don't usually need much experience for these jobs- it's mainly filing, data input etc. If you google search words such as "admin temp jobs london", you'll find tons of recruitment agencies and staff banks, looking for temp and contract workers. Don't forget to open a bank account when you move in- having your own account is usually a condition with most agencies.
Good luck! London's amazing, hope you enjoy it!
...luckily, i have a lot of family/family friends over there...
...which should be your first point of call, unless you have four figures saved.
Whereabouts are they. Just curious.
[ 19-Nov-2009, at 16:54 by fabyomama ]
thanks for the help guys.
ofelia-i'm coming from australia.
i'll be on a uk ancestry visa, which means i can work for five years.
fabyomama-the majority of my family lives in bristol; i would much rather be in london.
i also want to try and be as indepent as possible, so that would really be a last resort.
as far as studying goes, although i have completed high school, i'm not eligible for any further education such as at uni etc.
[ 19-Nov-2009, at 21:19 by hemble ]
...fabyomama-the majority of my family lives in bristol; i would much rather be in london.
i also want to try and be as indepent as possible, so that would really be a last resort..
I mentioned it as having a reliable address is important to be taken seriously by future employers, etc - makes you seem more 'established' and not just passing through. I don't blame you for wanting to start as you mean to go on though.
Also agree with 'magykal1' about live-in jobs - as handy as they are to get into new districts, they do have a creeping tendency of taking over personal life - but then, only if you let them - and I doubt you will.
Good luck.
London is massive city, gets hundreds of people moving there, so lots of places to stay short or long term stays. I tend to use -snip- when I moved there, i shared a flatshare with one male, chinese origin.
My stay was only short term had it been long I would have probably looked for a house share somewhere.
Moveflat and gumtree also good sites to find london flatshare
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