I'm an Australian that also has dual citizenship with Canada, and am hoping to go over there to find some work in a few months. I'd love to work there for about 6-12 months, possibly in admin as I've got experience in that area.
There's work. Since you claim to be part Canuck, you're fine. Six months as an administrator? Yeah, well, I dunno about that.
Since you have no Canadian Experience-which is what employers want and employers will of course ID you as an Ocker as soon as they hear your voice--your opportunities are probably limited fast food or basic labouring.
Do you have a SIN?
Because you'll receive no consideration without one.
No I don't know what a SIN is. Is that some tax file number or something you need to pay tax with?
Also Piecar, why do you say that it's impossible to find 6 months in admin? Is it difficult to find work in this field at the moment or something?
SIN = Social Insurance Number. You'll have to . I am pretty sure that you need to have it before you start working.
You might want to consider temping. Check out agencies like or .

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