Life decision

I'm 18 years old and I have to make the decision of my life. My mom lives in Spain and she wants me to go live with her with a residence and after a year I'll get Citizenship. However, I've been offered a scholarship to study in South Korea for 5 years. 1 for learning korean, the other 4 to study in a university. I don't know what to decide, because I love Korean culture so much. I want to go to Korea! But everyone tells me I should go to Spain to live with my mother. What should I do?

I want to go to Korea!

Meaning, you've answered it already.

[ 02-Jan-2010, at 13:38 by fabyomama ]

If you want to go to Korea you should go. I'm sure your mother would understand and would want you to do what makes you happy. I think you would regret turning down what sounds like a great opportunity in Korea.

No need to guess:

Well, how long have you not seen your mother and when will your studies begin in Korea? if you still have time then why not pay a visit to your mom for a few weeks or month and then go to Korea to pursue your dreams and goals... I mean, thats what I would do.

I don't know how it is in Spain, but I think most countries will let family visit or even immigrate with a family member sponsoring them so it's not like you will never see her again. Follow you dream, go to Korea for 5 years and if you still want to become a Spanish citizen and be with her, I'm sure that'll be possible. Is there another compelling reason you would hesitate?

Life decision

Life decision

Life decision

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