Hey all!
2 weeks is not enough for all these countries. Soem places have long border crossings and trains are in frequent and long as well.
Choose a direction from Venice first, North or South
In the summer south will be extremely hot. Id suggest north unless you hug the coast.
And since I dont like the coast much (so touristic), ill give you advice on the northern route
Venice to Buapest is a direct and easy train ride. Budapest is worth a few days and Lake Balaton for some sun shine too.
Then a train to Slovakia is easy. Bratislava for a day or two, good beer drinking town.
Trencin is a nice town to the north of Brati with a big castle and nice old town and good nightlife.
From Trencin routes to Prague or Krakow are possible But again you have to make a choice as by now you will only have 1 week left. I wouldnt suggest trying both countries.
I hope this helps in some way

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