Australia solo in the next couple of months,anyone else?

Hey all,im heading to australia solo in the next couple of months,ive got my working holiday visa sorted already but still have not booked tickets,will book in the next couple of weeks for april maybe,and im wondering is anyone from ireland heading over around the same time?or maybe anyone looking for a travel buddy as its a long flight?

Jim ,

I'll be in Sydney March 6th and heading over to Melbourne before heading up the coast to find work i think. What did you have in mind to do in Australia?

Hi guys,

I'm not going at exactly the same time as you, but I'm aiming to fly out in May (currently researching flights as my visa has been granted) and I'm heading straight to Melbourne. I'll probably be looking for work there straight away and from there I'll just see what happens!

Do you have a plan at all? xx

Hey sarah,like you I've still not booked a flight either,still lookingI've no real plans either only that ill look to do the seasonal work quick enough so I can apply for my 2nd year visa to stay on,I'd also like to do a bit of travelling around oz at some stage too..

I've found the cheapest deal with STA on Malaysian Airlines having done a massive ring around this morning. It's £488 for a one way in May if that helps you at all? I've got a few commitments I'm trying to get around so I can decide on a date.

Do you know where you're heading to first? x

Hey Jim! I'm another paddy heading off to Australia solo! Going to Asia first for three months so wont be there until July! Flying into Cairns to see the barrier reef then im going to travel around until money runs out, will prob make my way to Melbourne to work then! Any luck with booking your flights?

hey sarah,yeah that wouldnt be a bad price,yeah same as,just tieing up a few loose ends before ill know a date but will prob be april or may id say,not sure but will most likely be perth or melbourne to start with...

hey lizzy,a lot of us paddys heading for oz nowsure why not ha..lucky you going to asia first,wanna see the barrier reef at some stage too,also wanna do the seasonal work for 2nd visa..nah,still cant nail down a date to go,end of april or maybe may,just sorting out a few bits before i book and saving like mad,cant wait tho

My name's Jen,
Im flying into Melbourne on the 13th of April!!! Im gonna hang around there for 3/4 wks and then start my travels!! I've nothing set in stone and am open to anything... Anyone gonna b in Melbourne around that time?? Im travelling solo so yas know yourselves... the more the merrier
... fairly laid back and up for a laugh...

Hello Everyone,

My name is Melvyn from New Zealand.I am looking for a travel companion.I am outgoing and flexible on any travel destination.It would be cool to have a travel companion visiting around.
Hi Jen, I am currently in Melbourne. I am still in Melbourne in April.I am still visiting places in Melbourne.Melbourne has really good food I discovered.I am keen to buy you lunch for a welcome and to talk.How about lunch in Melbourne?You are welcomed to choose the lunch destination for a chat too.Looking forward for your response

Australia solo in the next couple of months,anyone else?

Australia solo in the next couple of months,anyone else?

Australia solo in the next couple of months,anyone else?

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